Voice Chat

 UI/UX case study of a voice chat interface for mobile assistant.


About the project

This project was done as a design challenge for some company.

Duration: 3 Days

My Role: Rapid Prototyping, Interaction and Visual Design

Tools Used: Pen & paper, Figma

Feature Selection

States to be included in the interface:

  • Idle state: when a user does not interact with the device
  • Listening state: when the user talks to the device
  • Display the Utterance: Display what the user has said on the device screen
  • Process the Utterance: Loading state when the system processes the user command
  • Response: Response to the user command

User can use 3 mediums for input: Voice / Type / Tap on suggestions


Sketching initial ideas

A brainstorming activity like sketching out low-fidelity ideas on paper helped me to visualize the key features while accounting for the edge cases.

The Solution

Design decisions

Demonstrating the solution for this problem will definitely require an animated prototype, but before jumping to the prototyping phase I always start with designing in Figma.

During the design process, my goal was to create a familiar look & feel to the interfaces of the most popular chat applications we use today. I didn’t want to create a completely new chat interface, which looks and feels alien to the potential user since that would make harder to process and notice the small details. In order to have a familiar but different design language for this concept, I combined elements of the most popular chat applications: Messenger, Whatsapp, and Skype in a visually pleasing and non-distractive way.

Ideal and type state process

Users can type in the input and tap on the suggestions if needed and can share it while chatting.

Listening and processing the Utterance

Users can talk to the device and the mobile assistant would provide suggestions based on the conversation. As the user starts speaking, the mobile assistant would start listening and the text would be displayed on the screen. And finally after selecting from the suggestions user ould respond to the message.


Interaction designs


Conclusion of the challenge

This challenge was super motivating for me to increase my awareness of small design problems we face from day to day. I believe we shouldn’t be satisfied with the existing solutions without questioning them and trying to constantly improve them even if we fail many times during this process.